Warm February Sun

Retirement has slowed me down. This is good. My blood pressure is normal for the first time in years. There is no hurry to get things done. I get to choose what I do each day.

This morning I went to the barn to ride. The sun was warm and full. There were no clouds subduing it’s light or warmth.  Ice was turning to mud. I had just cleaned my good winter riding booties, but what is a little mud when the weather is perfect?

And there was Jigs, in the field sunbathing, dozing in the February sun.

I assumed he would rise when he saw me but other than raising his head to look at me, he did not move.

I took a few photos and hung out with him.  Still he didn’t get up. In fact, he closed his eyes, drooped his nose to the ground!

I decided to return his halter and lead line to the barn. When I looked back, he was stretched out flat, snoring loudly.

I am flattered he feels safe enough to sleep around me. Not long after I got him, we were at a cow clinic waiting for our run. He dozed with me on his back, left hind foot cocked. An elderly woman came up to me and said, a horse that will do that trusts you and is a treasure to own.

He is that and more.

When I was working, time was limited. I would have forced him to get up and go so I could get back to whatever task needed completion. We would both have been rushed. Now, I can be patient. There is time.

We did hit the trails later in the afternoon with some friends. It was a glorious day to ride. I am so blessed!

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